About Me

 Hello, my name is Crystal. The love of my life... my reason for being is my son Skyler, who very much inspires everything I do. And that's how the name Crystal SKY went from vision to manifestation.

My passion for crystals came from the many road trips I took. Visiting many cute little shops, I eventually stumbled upon a quaint little crystal shop in Glenwood Springs, Colorado. I purchased an Amethyst necklace and a small raw Rose Quartz. Little did I know, those first two pieces were just the beginning. I made it a point to visit a crystal shop and fair in every state I visited. What may have started as a hobby soon turned into fascination and shortly after  I started researching how to make beautiful jewelry that was aesthetically pleasing to my eye. 

Crystal SKY opened in 2017 with a goal to share my love of crystals and jewelry keeping the integrity of my free-spirited vision intact.